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Measles outbreak: Media hysteria or reason for concern?

drstellamd Comments Off

You may have seen the recent headlines about a measles outbreak—and as always, the media is already stirring up fear & hysteria. But before you panic, let’s take a step back and look at the facts about measles before giving in to fear.


Yes, measles is a contagious virus, but for most healthy people, it causes mild, manageable symptoms like fever, cough, and a rash that clears up on its own. Serious complications are extremely rare, and the actual death rate is about 2 out of every 1 million cases.

The Truth About Measles


Measles is a single stranded RNA virus. Like all single stranded RNA viruses zinc can help build your immunity. But Zinc needs a transport system to enter the cell. So Quercitin supplements with Zinc can help. Elderberry and Zinc supplements can help too.

We have various supplements with Quercitin that can strengthen your immunity against measles:

Covivits, CoviLyte, CoviSleep or Covitaspray.

Chose one on


How Zinc Works on Measles


Zinc plays a significant role in the maintenance of normal immunological functions, therefore supplements given to zinc‐deficient children will increase the availability of zinc and could reduce measles‐related morbidity and mortality.


See Zinc study on measles here >>>

Here are all the supplements we offer that have Zinc, Vitamin C, D & Quercetin – Effect for immunity boost against Measles:


Boost your immunity daily against Measles, Bird Flu, Covid and other Flu like viruses with Covivits, Covilyte, Covita Spray, or CoviSleep which have Zinc, Vitamin C, D, Quercetin.

Boost your child’s immune system against Measles with our ImmunoVits for kids taken once daily.

Also Effective against Flu and Covid-19

Get our Covid Care Complete which includes everything you need to treat respiratory illnesses at home. Let’s continue to pray that all plans to bring in a new Plandemic fail.

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Houston, TX 77083

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