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Bethel Revival Ranch and Retreat Center

October Deliverance Program will not hold due to our 40-days prayer program!

Prayer Line 667.770.1523. Pin 835555#. 11pm - 12:30am CST. Join Deliverance on Tuesdays.

Welcome to Bethel Ranch

Bethel Ranch is where God lives. A place where the heavens open to your spirit, dreams come forth, and where deliverance happens. It is where truth meets you to confront what controls you so that you may experience freedom from every stronghold of bondage that has kept you from walking in the purpose that God has ordained for your life.

Bethel Revival Ranch is not religious or for religious persons. Nor is it for the usual and customary of what has become popular within the church today. Unfortunately, today’s church lacks the power of the gospel to bring genuine liberty of spirit. The church’s current state is partly due to our pulpits relying on the wisdom of men rather than the power of the cross.

Prayer at Bethel Revival Ranch focuses on tarrying before the Lord and drawing near to God until He draws near to us. This seeking will open the hearts of the seeker to His power that brings authentic change. This transformation will result in God’s purpose being revealed, and through a life of faith and obedience, it will manifest in the lives of all who seek Him.

At Bethel Revival Ranch, the Word of God is preached and taught with authority to please God and not man. As a result, scripture is relevant to our generation’s problems. Through this standard of preaching and teaching, peace and confidence rise in the heart and spirit of God’s people.

Dr. Stella Immanuel, MD, founded Bethel Revival Ranch with the mandate to bring deliverance to people from every walk of life. She is an anointed vessel of the Lord with a passion for declaring the whole counsel of God to America. Dr. Stella proclaims the Kingdom of God with a no-nonsense approach. Her authority of the scriptures brings light to the very deep and dark places that have held many of God’s people in bondage. She recognizes that we live in the very last days and has a deep sense of urgency to bring the souls of humanity to the altar of the Lord for repentance and spiritual growth towards maturity.

We are blessed to provide housing while visiting with us. We offer free and selected lodging for a fee. In either case, it will be comfortable and affordable. While we do not provide kitchens for guests to cook, we offer microwaves for your use. There are also restaurants and stores nearby to purchase food.

To visit us for a time of prayer and refreshing, fill out the form below. Please understand that Bethel Revival Ranch is not for everyone. It is a place where those whose love for Jesus is evidenced by their obedience to His voice. They keep His Word and seek to do His Father’s Will, which is in heaven.

Seeking First the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness

We look forward to having you here to be refreshed and renewed for God’s service in these last days prior to His soon return.

The Team at Bethel Revival Ranch and Dr. Stella Immanuel

Dr. Stella's Videos